Technical Parts for the Food Sector
Plastic is one of the most widely used materials in the food sector as it offers very good properties for contact with food (provided it complies with the necessary approved certifications).

At Induplast, we have extensive experience manufacturing plastic parts for the food sector, especially parts for food machinery. We manufacture all kinds of parts, such as stars, rollers, positioners, cutting boards, nozzles, cams, dispensers... also moulds for different foods such as moulds for meatballs, moulds for hamburgers, moulds for croquettes...

In today’s post, we'll tell you more about our machining work for this sector!
Firstly, all the plastic material we use to manufacture parts is approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), which regulates the use of components and materials in the food sector. Additionally, the manufactured parts meet the following technical requirements.
  Preservation of safety:

Plastics that come into contact with food maintain food safety throughout the production process to avoid contamination that could affect consumer health.  

  Avoid migration of substances:

Any plastic material in contact with food prevents the transfer of chemical components that contaminate the product.

  Mechanical strength:

One of the outstanding characteristics is that they are sufficiently resistant to withstand the mechanical demands to which they are subjected in food industry applications.

  Ensure traceability:

Upon request prior to manufacturing, the raw material used is traced from its origin to the final product.

The food sector requires the use of very carefully chosen materials to ensure consumer safety. At Induplast, we design and manufacture plastic parts that comply with all current regulations. We also work with complementary materials, such as food silicone for moulds and aluminium parts for food machinery.

We have a technical team that, from the first moment, offers personalised advice to develop an innovative, functional and quality-assured design.
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